FFXIV: New Housing Lottery System And Everything We Know About It

FFXIV’s patch 6.1 will not only come with a new Ishgard residential district, but also a whole new way of getting housing. It will be strictly lottery-based, which should relieve the current burden of trying to buy a plot.

For each plot, the lottery operates on a nine-day cycle and is split into two parts: entry period and result period. During the five-day entry period, you can enter their name into the applicant pool. In the next four-day phase, you can confirm your results and the purchase will be finalized. Check the lottery status of a plot of land by accessing the Housing tab or clicking on the plot’s placard.


You must either be a private buyer OR a FC rep buyer during a single lottery period. You cannot apply for both a private plot and a FC plot.

Private Buyer

  • ONE lottery entry per character. This means you cannot bid on multiple plots during the same lottery period, even if you have that much gil. You must choose one plot’s lottery to enter.
  • You must have one class at level 50 and above
  • Keep in mind the “one private and one free company plot per World per service account” rule remains unchanged.

FC Rep Buyer

  • FC must be rank 6 or above
  • FC must have 4 or more members
  • FC must give the rep authority to purchase land
  • Rep must have been part of FC for 30 days or more

How To Enter The Lottery

  • Click on an available plot’s placard
  • The price, address, and size of the plot will pop up in a window. Click “Enter Lottery” to confirm your application.
  • This is key: You must also deposit FULL SUM of the plot’s value at the time of entering the lottery.
  • You will receive a submission confirmation in a log window and in the Housing tab.

Lottery’s Results Period

  • Winner has four days to confirm their purchase of the plot. Do this by clicking on the plot’s placard and clicking “Yes” in the confirmation pop-up window. If you’re relocating, 15% of the value of the old plot will be refunded to you.
  • Winners who fail to claim will lose 50% of their entry deposit. This will be deducted automatically and is considered a cancellation fee.
  • Losers will retain 100% of their deposit. However, you must claim it by clicking on the plot’s placard. If you don’t do this within 90 days, your deposit will be forfeit. So make sure to pick it up.

FC House FAQs

  • There’s no issue with multiple free company members applying for one plot. Unselected members will still get a 100% refund.
  • If your FC enters multiple free company plots and wins multiple plots, you must decide on one. You will lose 50% of your initial deposit on the other(s) that you win, since that will be treated as “failing to claim your win.”

It is surprising that FCs can have multiple entries per single lottery. This will put larger/richer FCs at a significant advantage over smaller FCs and could be a problem going forward.

The new lottery system will, however, undoubtedly be a better system than the camp-at-the-placard song and dance. Meant to combat housing hoarders and scalpers, the sale of an available plot of land would go “live” at a random time. Whoever clicked the placard first at this undetermined time would become the new owner.

Needless to say, many eager would-be house owners often spent a ridiculous amount of hours in front of a plot of land just to secure the property. Waiting upwards of fourteen hours and during this time doing nothing but clicking the property’s placard at the computer was hardly unheard of, and for the truly determined, the norm.

Housing (Savage) seems to be extinguished, for now. Hopefully more players who want a house will be able to get one now.

from GameSpot – Game News https://ift.tt/CJ8Swvo

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